If you are buying a home, or if you are selling the home you own now, there are lots of moving parts that you are going to have to consider and figure out. One thing to think about is whether or not the window blinds in Narberth, PA are included. When you are the buyer or seller, you are going to need to know what the overall deal is so you can ensure you are all on the same page.
If You’re Selling…
As the seller, there are certain things you are going to want to take with you and other things you don’t mind leaving behind. Typically, window blinds are a part of the deal because they probably won’t fit the windows in your new house. But if you do want to take them, there are strategies to help with that as well.
Remove The Window Blinds You Want To Take
If you want to take the window blinds with you to your new residence, you might want to take them down before you show the house so you don’t give anyone false hope about keeping them. You can put up some inexpensive curtains or even leave the windows open for the new owners to cover as they choose.
Mark Them As Not Included With The Realtor
Even if you leave the blinds up, you can tell the realtor you are working with that they are not included. They can then inform any potential buyers that the blinds are not a part of the deal so they won’t expect that as part of the process.
Don’t Simply Just Take Them Without Notice
You aren’t going to want to surprise the buyers by not notifying them that the blinds aren’t included, and instead just taking them down and with you without notice. That’s not a nice thing to do and it can cause the buyers to complain.
If You’re Buying…
When you buy a home, it’s a huge deal and you want to understand every part of the process from start to finish. That means knowing whether or not the blinds are included and perhaps having a little say in that. Here are some details to consider.
Check The Contract To See That They’re Included
When you decide to make an offer, check the contract to see what all, including the blinds, is included. If the realtor said they come with the house, make sure they are on that contract so there are no mistakes later.
Request To Keep Them
If the blinds aren’t included, you might request that they stay. They are already on the windows, they fit well, and you like them. It might be part of the negotiation.
Offer More In Order To Keep Them Or Less To Remove Them
When blinds aren’t included, you can offer a bit more for the house to throw them in. Or, you might ask to pay less because the window blinds in Narberth, PA are going with the seller. Contact us today.