There are a lot of things that have to come together in order to get a good night of sleep. One of the things that need to line up just right is the elements within the bedroom. If you haven’t been sleeping well, there are lots of things you can try. Here are a few bedroom improvement ideas to perhaps help you to get a better night of sleep. Getting window shutters in Haverford, PA, for example, could really help.
Take The Screens Out Of The Room
It can feel relaxing to lay in bed and watch TV or play games on your phone, but it can also be detrimental to your sleep. Move those screens out of the room and watch your shows on the couch. Take care of last minute emails in the kitchen and then leave your phone in there to charge so you aren’t tempted. Having the screens out of the space can help you get your mind ready to sleep the minute you are in the bedroom.
Block Off Even Clock Light
Any light in the room can disturb your sleep, even something like the light of the clock. You can either remove the clocks (which might drive some people crazy) or get a clock that glows and only lights up if you touch it. Having all lights completely out of the room can really do a lot for your circadian tuning.
Get Window Shutters
If you need new window coverings anyway, getting window shutters can have a huge impact on the space. Not only can they take the style level and value of the house up, but they can also help you block out light at the right time of the day. You can signal your body that it’s time to sleep by sealing the light out through the completely closed shutters. The shutters can help you prepare for sleep at other times of the day as well. They are there to let the light in during the day when you open them or adjust the slats. That way, you can get the light you want when you want it and allow your body to soak it in during the daytime. When you’re ready for sleep, whenever that might be, shutting the light out is a great cue.
It can be hard to make adjustments to your room and to your life in order to get better sleep, but when you feel that refreshed feeling, you’ll be glad you made changes. The changes could be as simple as getting a different window covering, like window shutters in Haverford, PA. If you’d like to make that change, or at least look into the options, the professionals at Blinds and Drapery Showroom are here to help. When you visit our showroom we’ll show you choices that can look great on your home and help you to block the light and get better sleep. You can meet several goals all at once with window shutters.