If you spend a lot of time with your children, that’s wonderful. It’s time well spent, and you won’t regret it in the future when they grow up and move on. But when you are trying to work on house projects, it can be hard to get anything done with a child along—bored. When you need to get window blinds in Havertown, PA, here are some ways to make it fun so your kids are entertained, and you can get the chore out of the way.
Visit The Showroom
Going to a showroom sounds like it would be boring for a child, but it can actually be quite entertaining. There are things to open and close, buttons to push, and areas to investigate. Talk to your child beforehand about being careful with things and they could find a treasure trove of entertainment when they get there. Peaking at you from one side of the blinds as you inspect the details on the other could be all it takes to get some information and keep them entertained.
Talk Color Samples
There are going to be a lot of options included in the blinds department and one important choice you will have to make is what color you want for the blinds. You can take color samples home and then, inspect them with your child. Ask their opinion as you move room to room and make a game out of it. Which one looks best in this room? What about that room? And so on. Opinions are always great, and they will feel more included in the process.
Clean Windows Together
If you get the window blinds ordered and all you have left is installation, it’s always nice to clean the windows as best you can beforehand. While that sounds like a chore, there are some kids who actually ask to clean windows because until they learn that it is a chore, it can be fun. If you do it with them, there’s a lot more fun to it. Turn on some music and dance while you clean and really get into it. Anything can be fun when you do it together and work as a team.
It can be hard to concentrate on window blinds in Havertown, PA for your home when you have children around who need your attention—all the time. But when you are desperate to take the project on, there are things you can do to satisfy your home…and your kids. If you have any questions, contact the professionals at Blinds and Drapery Showroom. You can call us by phone and we completely understand if you get interrupted by a “Mom” shout from the other room. When you come to visit, bring your kids along, we don’t mind at all. And if you want a measuring consultation in your home, we’re up for that, too. We might even be able to play I Spy with the kids while we work. We’re here for your needs, whatever they might be.